The CBAA’s Community Radio Station Health Check is an online self-assessment tool aimed at helping stations examine how they are operating.
The Health Check looks at a number of different factors that are crucial to a station’s success and together these factors are used to build an overall picture of the way your station carries out its operations.
The assessment should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Once you have answered all questions, a detailed report will be emailed to you that will identify improvements and growth areas for your station.
We recommend the assessment be completed together by your station’s board or management committee as these key people can provide an overall perspective of the operations and activities of the station.If you don’t complete it in one go, click on the URL using the same device and you will pick up where you left off.
You can review a list of the questions here
To start the checklist, please complete the details below and then click the 'BEGIN' button.